Episode - 05 - The New Age Dharma Bums: Exploring Consciousness, Microdosing, and Poetry with @nealtheearthling

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How living in a van has transformed Neal, from a savvy businessman to a humble poet/yogi living out of a Sprinter van.

Welcome back to Three Left's Make a Right with the Vankookz! Today we have @nealtheearthling a full-time van lifer who travels the western U.S. and documents his escapades through poetry. He has written and published a poetry book Where Are You From" 100% on the road. He collaborated with other van lifers to help illustrate and get the book out on the market. He is currently working on a series of poetry books and other books reflecting his travels and explorations of consciousness. Neal is a new age "Dharma Bum" and enjoys meditating, breathwork, rock climbing and having deep conversations. We hope you enjoy Neal's insights.

Thanks for watching!

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Buy Neal's Poetry Book "Where are you from?" Here - https://www.nealtheearthling.com/​

Neal on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nealtheearthling/

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